Friday 17 June 2011

The fact that a woman _and others - have broken the law by posting statements of their dury duty, with details of the case is laughable. It only demonstrates that there has always been outside and personal discussion of cases throughout history, by members of their jury. Although it through the social network - used inappropriately - if it were not there, then there would be no digital evidence of the breach of silence and duty.

And, although the woman is dim to have done what she has, it only highlights a clear need for change in the systems fundemental workings.

A greater and ever expanding pool of digital evidence is being forged, from the real and created worlds.

Thursday 9 June 2011


Divine cupitdity, instilled in the young - at both ends of the spectrum and between.
'For prosperity' they say 'is the goal of us all', I agree in the insinuation of determination and pro-activity, though not for the wealth; for success 'the favourable outcome of something attempted' is not at all immoral, but for its other conotations, deplorable.
Fame and money. They want it. Not unjustly, for, if self obtained, these can give one a sense of achievement, satisfaction and meaning.

Yeat that urge and yearn is all too base and vulgar in our animal.
Do it for the love and chase your own goals.
Though, then, is that not success for oneself?

For eternity.
Nay. Leave behind the best you can - for continuation. All the grapples at present can and will choke you to confliction. Hypocrisy.

Just as this is.
For how to judge (a) motives nimbus, in light of morality?
Abide and break.


It's from presenting again, that reflection/thus doubling it, in efforts at muted discourse.
Highlighted in chapter 13 of that great imagined - imagined community.
Analogous phenomena, beautiful correllation.
But is it its beauty or core?
Paradisal effigies; the wallets smile on, content with horizons, avaricious.
- All the more

Friday 3 June 2011


Great what swell from the depth's of its murky grey rip. Swarms of gush and toil against the lining, splashing, crashing, looping themselves. Their spray and contents.
Well to do ribs arch into view as its channel widens, down further to greater depths.
Though these can be angled to his chosen vantage up across and back where the swell of wave in and out calms the muscles of what walls.
Lofty ripples askew from impacts take them to - out if must, bouncing if not.
The heart flicks flutters and shakes into chimes and rakes gotten rid of. Shut not bolted though, one tool trapped, it strikes up into sterilized sanctuary (the room).
'Squat like a toad' reels of reuse and smoke, blur visual reminisence of its sound-gold.
Constructed upon stone tablet, veins and specks in the chaste cloud. Waft weightless along hedges of channel, through scrub of the drops, darting to soar.
Rancid film deposed and relief dropped into a further cleanse, steamy warmth to halls cold.
Another and another dart back, to the take and an old gathering with her. Both equally in duty to one respected and for gratitude which pains bare through efforts of new speech to action. Bright primaries and tertiaries haze through midriff lens to new past and levels of dance.
Gone that comfort lies now and spaced-declaractions-question-the-cause. Are these effects or affects? Close attempt at redemptions towards sparks and the growth of strength for maintainance of such. Not for gain of rekindle but for a loss of friendship. Jumbling spurs spar opinion; yet yearns unrest remains intact.
Affiliates and actions change, guile against cause which rolled, to anticipation of maybe seeing it again. Your character is unmatched through the swathe, chesnut golden thy stand faun beauty of all chasm and space, rooted into what is of what is.
Rose, spread pink fade, burst into flash of face, caught not yet to fall in cradling unison.

Thursday 2 June 2011


Seraph! Your guise is abhorred to us, leave or face you insinuated position. That embelem no longer symbols what it did. No, not it does not.
You'd be chased like a ball and with no want for a body to serve your skull from - only the wings are left to be plucked.
Innocence, in where?
Not us, nothing is innocent, we live our original sin.
They know younger today.
Mr worldly wiseman, his path is the only left open now, though the precipice no longer wains in dangle, it's been enterprised - health and safety.
The other path, further hidden.
Your celestial promise and prize lies forgotten for chocolate.
Shrink wrapped and laser printed.
Checkered tiles and jam tarts.
Further fantasy than yours, built on older foundations.
We can look back on your purity as something for them.
We have all our purity in sealed boxes.

Left behind.


The lens glances over
in its dull glaze,
The granules seep in deeper
The swell beats and beats.
Into a caramel pine, slatted
of the revisit.

You don't know them, not them
It's not linear that correlation
Yet it brings you back there.
Darkness, panes of thick soupy colour
Swirling across the drain

They're mad. We're here already
but they're leaving and want to stay,
so be it then. We aren't happy
or with another but us.
Grotesque soft elation.

to wit.


Slammed into abandon,
licks on the wicker
Coy as a pause.
Not a breath below or astride,
no indication of the lost.
Anger of the meet.
Yet suspicion cries when it does:
For you you you you all know.
It's a fucking game.
Raise the tone? Lower the fauly?
Cunts all the lot.
Friendly to the whim and gain

Wouldn't read

Well I'd forgotten I'd even made this account, whilst trying to make a new one I was presented with plenty of interweb verifaction confusion that has now been completed blahaaah, so now time to actually do something with this thing.
Hopefully some poems, short stories, rants, links to good tunes and skate related stuff shall be porued onto the page and this can be my new online distraction/pursuit.
I've got quite a disorderly backlog of work from this past year, my first at university, that I'll extract and put up here too.

I was going to call my new blog the social fret work, but I think fearfutility will have to do for now.

Right, time to get used to how all the buttons work on here.